Become a Ḥakīm / chaplain: Mercy for all people
Light upon Light
Women's Retreat
Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp, the lamp is in a crystal, the crystal is like a shining star, lit from ˹the oil of˺ a blessed olive tree, ˹located˺ neither to the east nor the west, whose oil would almost glow, even without being touched by fire. Light upon light! Allah guides whoever He wills to His light. And Allah sets forth parables for humanity. For Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things." Qur'an (24/35)
Light upon Light - Women's Retreat
"O Our Master Nurturer! Complete Our Light and Forgive us, for You have Power over everything." Qur'an 66/8)
November 8, 2024 - November 11, 2024
Day 1: Path of the Heart
"And do not keep your hand tied to your neck, nor spread it out fully, lest you end up liable and regretful." ~ Qur'an (17/29)
The retreat will start at 5 pm. We will focus on getting to know one another, relaxing, eating a delicioud dinner, and reflecting on the concept of the straight path—a balanced way between indulgence and depriviation. The day will conclude with a group dhikr.
Day 2: Awakening Our Perception:
"Thus We made you a moderate community." ~ Qur'an (2/143)
On the second day, immerse yourself in practices and teaching designed to harmonize the diverse aspects of your being. You will learn how to align your sensory experiences, emotional responses, rational thoughts, intuitive insights, and imaginative capacities in a cohesive, integrated, and balanced manner.
Day 3: Illuminating Our Inner Life
"On the Day when you see the believing men and believing women—their light radiating ahead of them, and to their right: “Good news for you today: gardens beneath which rivers flow, dwelling therein forever. That is the great triumph.” ~ Qur'an (57/12)
On the third day, participants will receive personalized attention as they delve deeper into their spiritual journey. The day will begin with meditation sessions enhanced by sacred art, fostering a serene environment for reflection. Heart-centered exercises tailored for women and open discussions will follow, promoting self-awareness and inner insights. This will be followed by a transformative personalized dhikr practice designed to nurture spiritual growth and deepen the participants' connection with Allah.
Join Amany for a weekend getaway at a beautiful vacation home in Kissimmee, Florida
Conveniently located near Orlando International Airport.
Your deserve to be cared for!
Limited Spots. Reserve Your Place Now. You can attend full retreat, or two days, or just a day
You can also join through the Zoom option when you press the registration link
Payment Plans Are Available. Request One via email
Three Days
3 nights double occupancy
3 meals/day
Including tuition
Two Days
No sleeping accommodation
3 meals/day + tuition
One Day
No Sleeping accommodation
3 meals + tuitions